This award recognizes HR Leaders & Consultants based anywhere in the world, who are recognized as Thought leaders not just within their organization but across the HR community and Business world. It celebrates achievements of people that have made monumental contributions to both, the HR and business fraternity. This award is for people who have set challenging benchmarks for others in the HR fraternity to follow.
Nominations will be reviewed for the impact they have had on their organization and on the industry or sector, among other things. It is recommended that submissions include supporting metrics and some evidence of the person’s ability to inspire, influence and create change.
Judges will look for
- A clear narrative of what has been achieved in the available context, the person’s reputation, credentials, experience, diversity in exposure, degree of influence and impact on relevant stakeholders among other factors
- Evidence of the impact the person has had on their organization, the industry, sector, community at large and other pertinent stakeholders